Friday, May 20, 2011

Potty Training tales.....

My daughter is about 32 months old and not potty trained. I know....a collective gasp! She has shown signs of readiness at 22 months, 28 months and that was it. She knows when she has to go. She has several pairs of "big girl" panties, potty training books and dvds. She joins me when I need to use the bathroom but refuses to sit on her potty. She prefers to wait until I am done to give me exuberant praise for my efforts "Good Job Mommy! You went on the potty!" My response is "Ok, now it is your turn." A short and sweet "Nope" is the response I get. I an effort to model the desired behavior we got a little potty for her dolls a couple of months ago. Today was the first time she used it....for her dolls.. While she was helping her "Baby Jocelyn" cabbage patch kid go potty and praising her for doing a good job. I asked her if she was going to go next. And I got a shocking response....."Ah NOPE!"
M&M's do not hold any incentive- honestly, that is how we get her to eat her dinner- judge not....
I tried to "pay" her to go after she discovered her piggy bank and how much she liked putting money in it. A dime for #1 and a quarter for #2. She waited patiently with the bank and coins in front of her, after 20 minutes....NOTHIN' but she still wanted the coins. I had to refuse to give them to her. So that failed.
Future attempts will include a potty flushing piggy bank that actually flushing the coins into the bank when you put them in. The 'let them soil themselves" method- put her panties on her and see how she responds to the discomfort. This of course needs to be done on a nice day when we can play outside the ENTIRE day.
And finally, I recently learned how I was potty trained. My mom and older sister would put our potties in front of the tv and we would sit there until we did our business. I guess we finally took care of things in the bathroom because I no longer need to go in the living room. Now that is something to be grateful for!
So the potty training tale continues....

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